Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology
The Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology (GEMMA) is located at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DECA)) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. BarcelonaTech (UPC).
The Group is dedicated to interdisciplinary research, innovation, knowledge transfer and education in environmental engineering; particularly in the fields of environmental biotechnologty, water supply, wastewater and solid waste treatment, and bioenergy generation. GEMMA was founded in 2005, since then the group has played a remarkable role promoting ecoinnovation and biotechnologies for efficient wastewater and sludge treatment and reuse.
GEMMA aims at contributing to sustainable development by means of fundamental and applied research activities, and through innovation in the water and energy fields.
The goal of our research activities is to develop and promote sustainable and innovative water, wastewater and sludge treatment biotechnologies, capable of removing a wide range of contaminants, including emerging pollutants.
The main research topics are:
- Natural low-cost bioprocesses for wastewater and sludge treatment
- Algal based technologies for wastewater treatment and biomass production
- Bioenergy from waste and wastewater
- Biogas production from solid waste and biomass
- Water reuse and efficiency
- Microbial fuel cells
- Phosphorous removal and recovery from wastewater
- Life Cycle Assessment and economic evaluation of products and technologies
- Numerical simulation of bioprocesses
During the last 5 years, our research has covered a wide range of aspects including: the influence of design parameters on the removal of pollutants from wastewater and sludge, pollutants degradation pathways, micropollutants and emerging pollutants removal in natural wastewater treatment systems, the role of microfauna in decontamination processes, biogas production in low-cost anaerobic digesters, greenhouse gases emissions from wastewater and sludge treatment facilities, economic and environmental assessment of biotechnologies, bioprocess modeling.
Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Campus Nord, Building D1
Jordi Girona, 1-3,
08034 Barcelona
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