
Dr. Joan García


Full Professor

Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology

Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringFutur Scientific Profile 

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Dr. García obtained his degree in Biology in 1990 from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and in 1991 started to work as Assistant Professor in Environmental Engineering at the Civil Engineering School of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Prof. García defended his doctoral dissertation on wastewater treatment engineering in 1996 at the UB. He has worked as postdoc research visitor at the University of California at Berkeley (2001), the University of Ghent, Belgium (2005) and the Florida Gulf Coast University (2018).

Dr. García carries out interdisciplinary research on the development and improvement environmental biotechnologies that allow the treatment of wastewaters and other types of wastes whilst mimicking natural functioning and therefore maximizing eco-efficiency. His research is currently focused in the recovery of bioproducts and bioenergy in the context of the circular bioeconomy, nature-based solutions and water reuse.


Dr. Ivet Ferrer


Full Professor

Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Futur Scientific Profile 


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Prof. Ivet Ferrer is Agricultural Engineer by the University of Lleida, Spain (2002) and MSc. in Environmental Diagnostics by Cranfield University, UK (2003). In 2008 she obtained her Doctoral Degree in Environmental Sciences by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. She has been postdoctoral research visitor at the Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology (LBE-INRAE), France (2009) and Wageningen University, The Netherlands (2010).

At UPC, she was initially assistant professor (2006), associate professor (2011) and since 2020 she is Full Professor in Environmental Engineering. She leads the research line on anaerobic digestion and biogas production of GEMMA Research Group. Her research is now focused on the recovery of resources from waste streams to obtain bioproducts and bioenergy, in the framework on the circular bioeconomy. Her main fields of expertise are anaerobic digestion and algal biotechnologies.

Dr. Jaume Puigagut

Associate Professor

Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Futur Scientific Profile 

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Jaume Puigagut is currently Associate Professor at DECA (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He carries out his research and teaching activity within the GEMMA group (Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Group) which is recognized as a consolidated research group by the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) (SGR code: 1169).  Jaume Puigagut carries out lectures within the grade of Civil Engineering, Marine Sciences and Technology or Bioengineering, and also at MsC level at the Environmental Engineering MsC. Courses given encompasses topics regarding environmental technologies for water and waste treatment, applied ecology and biotechnology. Jaume Puigagut graduated in Biotechnology in 2001. He started his PhD within the same year. His PhD addressed the use of microorganisms (bio-monitoring) for better plant management and operation either for conventional or nature-based technologies. The PhD was carried out at the Animal Biology Department at the Faculty Biology of the University of Barcelona and was awarded with a Cum Laude grade. In March 2008, Jaume started his post-doctoral stage within the framework of a project carried out between the “Institut de Recherche en Biologie Végétal (IRBV)” and the “Université Polytechnique de Montréal”, in Montréal (Canada). Post-doctoral experience dealt with the use of nature-based solutions for the removal of phosphorus from fish-farming activities. His post-doctoral stage lasted 18 months.  In 2009 Jaume became Lecturer professor at the School of Civil Engineering (DECA Department) and was promoted to Associate Professor on September 2017. As professor at UPC, Jaume Puigagut has been carrying out multidisciplinary research based on the use of bioelectrochemical systems and low-cost sensors for the improvement of treatment and control of nature-based wastewater treatment technologies. Up to date, Jaume Puigagut has supervised 3 PhD thesis, and is currently supervising 2 more. He has been the IP or has been closely involved in more than 10 research projects (at national or international level). From his research activity, Jaume Puigagut has published 47 peer reviewed, JCR indexed, publications, and several book chapters. Jaume Puigagut has a h-index of 21 and has increased ca. 40% the number of citations during the last 5 years (Scopus data -2021).


Dr. Anna Garfí

Associate Professor

Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Futur Scientific Profile 


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Dr. Marianna Garfí is an internationally recognized expert in low-cost and nature-based technologies for waste and wastewater treatment, and also in sustainability assessment (mainly life cycle assessment and multi-criteria analysis). She obtained an MSc in Environmental Engineering from the Universitá di Bologna (Italy) (2005) and in 2009 she presented her Ph.D Thesis at the same University. After her Ph.D Thesis defense, she joined the Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology (GEMMA) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) (Spain).

Currently, Dr. Marianna Garfí is leading the research line on sustainability assessment and nature-based technologies for waste and wastewater treatment at GEMMA-UPC. Her research activities aim to improve low-cost and nature-based technologies for waste and wastewater treatment (e.g. anaerobic digesters, constructed wetlands, algae-based systems) considering technical, socio-economic and environmental aspects.


Dr. Estel Rueda


Dr. Estel Rueda

Qualifications: Ph.D.  Environmental Engineering

Knowledge area: Environmental Technology

Main areas of interest: Environmental engineering and biotechnology, PHB production, wastewater treatment, microalgae, cyanobacteria, water reuse, Valorisation of resources, Circular economy, Modelling.



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Dr. Fabiana Passos


Associate Professor

Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Futur Scientific Profile 

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Fabiana Passos obtained her MSc in Environmental and Resource Management at the Brandenburgische Technische Universitat (Germany) (2010) and her PhD in Environmental Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) (2014). She has worked as posdoc researcher at the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Brazil) (2015) and as associate professor at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil) (2017-2022). In 2022, she achieved a Maria Zambrano fellowship funded by the Spanish Government and, currently she is an associate professor in the UPC. Her research is mainly centered in waste and wastewater treatment technologies for bioenergy and resource recovery, as biogas, platform chemicals, bioplastics and biofertilizer. Particularly, through optimizing anaerobic processes in a circular economy approach.


Dr. Cigdem Eskicioglu


ICREA Research Professor

Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Futur Scientific Profile 

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Dr. Cigdem Eskicioglu joined the Catalan Institution for Research & Advanced Studies (ICREA) as an
ICREA Research Professor and the Research Group of Environmental Engineering & Microbiology
(GEMMA) as a Distinguished Researcher in 2025. She obtained her B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering in
1996 from Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Türkiye. She worked as an Environmental Process
Engineer in Istanbul from 1997 to 2001. With a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC) scholarship, she pursued a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering at the University of
Ottawa (UO), Canada, studying the pretreatment of municipal sludge for advanced anaerobic digestion
(2002-2006). After her Postdoctoral Fellowship (2006-2008) at UO, she joined the School of Engineering
at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, as a Professor, founding and leading the Bioreactor
Technology Group (BTG) and acquiring an international reputation for research and partnership
innovation. From 2020 to 2025 at UBC, Professor Eskicioglu was awarded the prestigious NSERC/Metro
Vancouver Senior Industrial Research Chair (IRC) title and led a research partnership program on
advanced resource recovery from wastewater.

Dr. Eskicioglu’s research supports her long-term vision of advancing waste treatment processes for
efficient contaminant removal, bioenergy conversion, and revenue generation. Her program focuses on
developing and safely integrating novel thermochemical and biochemical reactor processes into plant
operations for resource recovery from waste in the forms of phosphorus, ammonia, biomethane,
biohydrogen, and biocrude oil for the circular economy.

Dr. Enrica Uggetti

Associate Professor

Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Futur Scientific Profile 

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Dr. Enrica Uggetti is graduated in Environmental Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) in 2007, and she received the Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) in 2011. Between 2011 and 2013 she has been hired as postdoctoral researcher by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (LBE-INRA) in Narbonne (France). Since 2013, she is working as researcher at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya within the Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Research Group (GEMMA).

She is expert in the field of nature-based solutions for wastewater treatment, with special focus on constructed wetlands and microalgae-based treatment. She is co-author of more than 50 research papers, 1 book and 5 books chapters. During the last years, her research interest has focused on resource recovery from wastewater under a circular economy approach.