European Projects

European Projects



PROMICON - Harnessing the power of nature through PROductive MIcrobial CONsortia in biotechnology - measure, model, master.

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4BIOLIVE - Production of Biostimulants, Biofertilizers, Biopolymer and Bioenergy from OLIVE-oil chain residues and by-products

unded by: EC – H2020
Duration: june 2021- may 2024
Leading Researcher: Ivet Ferrer

REAL-MAC Reuse of Agri-Food Effluents for Microalgae Production and its Application in Circular Agriculture for
the Territory


TARGET- Territorial strategy for water scarcity


PAVITR - Potential and Validation of Sustainable Natural & Advance Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Monitoring and Safe Water Reuse in India

FERTILWASTES - Valorisation of by-products of waste treatment systems into value-added products for agriculture

INCOVER - Innovative Eco-Technologies for Resource Recovery from Wastewater


WETWINE - Sistemas innovadores en la gestión y valorización de efluentes vitivinícolas en el Sudoeste Europeo


 SuPER-W - Sustainable Product, Energy and Resource Recovery from Wastewater.